Recompensas Petseek

Gana puntos al ayudar a los animales y compartir información.

A hand gently petting the head of a small, scruffy kitten with light and dark fur. The kitten looks up towards the person, appearing content. In the background, there are some blurred objects, possibly boxes or bags, suggesting an outdoor or market-like setting.
A hand gently petting the head of a small, scruffy kitten with light and dark fur. The kitten looks up towards the person, appearing content. In the background, there are some blurred objects, possibly boxes or bags, suggesting an outdoor or market-like setting.
Acumula puntos

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A small, fluffy kitten with light orange and white fur sits on a concrete surface. It has striking blue eyes and is positioned in front of a stack of red crates. The background includes a blurred image of bicycles, a busy street scene, and some building structures.
A small, fluffy kitten with light orange and white fur sits on a concrete surface. It has striking blue eyes and is positioned in front of a stack of red crates. The background includes a blurred image of bicycles, a busy street scene, and some building structures.
Desbloquea premios

Canjea tus puntos por recompensas exclusivas y beneficios.

A tabby cat with a white chest and paws stands on a light-colored surface, looking upwards. The cat is inside a clear glass enclosure, with a green mat and a white feeding dish nearby.
A tabby cat with a white chest and paws stands on a light-colored surface, looking upwards. The cat is inside a clear glass enclosure, with a green mat and a white feeding dish nearby.
A small, fluffy kitten with large blue eyes and soft gray and white fur stands on its hind legs against the bars of a cage. The background is slightly blurred, showing some indistinct colors and shapes. A fuzzy green toy hangs overhead, and a black and white toy mouse can be seen on the floor of the cage.
A small, fluffy kitten with large blue eyes and soft gray and white fur stands on its hind legs against the bars of a cage. The background is slightly blurred, showing some indistinct colors and shapes. A fuzzy green toy hangs overhead, and a black and white toy mouse can be seen on the floor of the cage.
Participa activamente

Comprométete con la comunidad y ayuda a los animales en necesidad.

Conéctate hoy

Únete a nosotros y marca la diferencia en sus vidas.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

O Petseek me ajudou a encontrar meu cachorro perdido rapidamente. Uma ferramenta incrível e muito útil!

Maria Silva

A small feline with a light brown coat and bright eyes is positioned behind a black wire fence, surrounded by a natural setting with green foliage and dry brown plants. The cat is looking upwards, seemingly aware of its environment.
A small feline with a light brown coat and bright eyes is positioned behind a black wire fence, surrounded by a natural setting with green foliage and dry brown plants. The cat is looking upwards, seemingly aware of its environment.

Graças ao Petseek, consegui adotar um gato abandonado. Uma experiência maravilhosa e gratificante!

João Pereira

A black cat with bright green eyes is adorned with a pink ribbon tied around its neck. The cat is sitting in front of a red background, giving the image a vibrant contrast.
A black cat with bright green eyes is adorned with a pink ribbon tied around its neck. The cat is sitting in front of a red background, giving the image a vibrant contrast.